
The Amen Corner III

 (Dr. Ray Higgins: lecturer, educator, preacher)

I wasn't aware of Dr. Ray Higgins until Imani the Misfit put me on, but I wanted to discuss this man's views.

He believes Christianity is a system imposed upon peoples of color by an immoral, hypocritical oppressor. I agree with that.

Only, I have no desire to replace one wicked system with another. Afrocentric Black Liberation Theology, in its various forms, is quite appealing and has what I think are some very valid positions. But it is my firm opinion that any spiritual system that believes itself morally superior to any other, or that purports to know the mind of what we call God and can, therefore, dictate how consenting adults should or should not live their personal lives--and I use the presence of bigotry (particularly misogyny, homophobia and racism) and anti-human rhetoric in any ideology as my yardstick--reveals itself as defective.

It seems no religion can function without an enemy. And that is my essential problem with it.

Videos of Dr. Higgins's "The Incredibility of Christianity" sermon: