
You Mad? The Sequel


The Family Research Council and the National Organization for Marriage are shocked and appalled that the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated them as hate groups.  They simply can't understand how discriminating against filthy, disgusting homosexuals can be misconstrued as hatred; they're only observing their Christian duty to be bigots--and who could be mad at that?

Viewing homosexuality as unbiblical does not qualify organizations for listing as hate groups, a report from the group said.

Brian Brown, National Organization for Marriage president, added: This is about protecting marriage. This isn't about being anti-anyone. The whole idea that somehow those folks who stand up for traditional marriage, like the Family Research Council, are hateful is wrong. [The law center is] trying to marginalize and intimidate folks for standing up for marriage and also trying to equate them somehow to the KKK.

In other words, "This isn't about me standing on your neck.  It's about me having a soft place to rest my feet."

Oh, these religious lunatics and their Giant Flying Invisible Magical Lightning Sky Daddy. Always trampling on someone's humanity and calling it religious observance. Jesus, please come take your people to your fairy castle in the clouds!

As Dan Savage pointed out: We need a cultural reckoning around gay and lesbian issues. There was once two sides to the race debate. There was once a side, you could go on television and argue for segregation, you could argue against interracial marriage, against the Civil Rights Act, against extending voting rights to African Americans, and that used to be treated as one [legitimate] side . . . of a pressing national debate, and it isn't anymore. And we really need to reach that point with gay and lesbian issues. There are no 'two sides' to the issues about gay and lesbian rights.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

History, it turns out, isn't linear at all; it's cyclical.  And no matter how many times we circle the track, we believe it's the first time we've seen it.

Dumb asses.

Read the full article at the Washington Post.