

I have never seen myself as a spokesman. I am a witness. In the church in which I was raised you were supposed to bear witness to the truth. Now, later on, you wonder what in the world the truth is, but you do know what a lie is. - James Baldwin

Darian Aaron, activist blogger and webmaster of Living Out Loud with Darian, has posted an article regarding a new individual claiming to have exorcised himself of all homosexual feeling: Pastor Ja’Von Crockett.

Crockett says that he used to play with dolls, dress up in drag, and have sex with men (including pastors), but now he has been magically transformed!

You have all been had. Took. Hoodwinked. Bamboozled.

Aaron writes:

I honestly don't even know where to begin with this one. I'm still trying to figure out if the story of Crockett is real or a left over sketch found on the cutting room floor of the In Living Color Studios from 1993.

Well, I know where to begin.

Crockett did not go from a gay man to a straight man, as he claims. He went from an openly gay man to a disillusioned, demoralized closeted gay man who pretends to be heterosexual in order to curry favor with homophobes. He is, quite simply, a man who has been adequately shamed, coerced into having romantic and sexual relations with women, when his true inclination and desire is to have sex with men.

One’s sexual orientation is not based on what does, but on what one feels. Crockett can have sex with a million women if he thinks that is what Jesus wants. But when all is said and done, if he is still craving the comfort of a penis, and I am most certain that he is, his life is nothing more than a farce. And, according to the folklore, Jesus would be able to see right through the charade.

But who would not be able to see through the charade—or more specifically, who would not want to see through the charade—are the so-called sanctified congregations to whom Crockett ministers. And that is the entire point of the sham, you see: Nothing makes parishioners dig deeper into their pockets than a story of redemption—no matter how much of a fabrication it is—that validates their own ignorance.

The danger in Crockett’s pretense is, however, that he is perpetuating a terrible lie and by doing so, he is magnifying the suffering of the same-gender loving individuals who must endure the slings and arrows of the holy rollers who receive his distorted message.

A pox on his house.  And on the houses of those who believe him.