

I had hoped that it would not have to come to this.

Alas, I learned a lesson from my friend Darian Aaron: It is nearly impossible to devote your full attention to a lifelong dream project while maintaining a blog with the level of energy and verve it deserves.  It is this realization that has led me to announce that I will be placing Son of Baldwin on an indefinite hiatus.

What is the dream project, you ask?  I am working on my very first novel; and if I wish to live up to the standards of my great literary predecessors (primarily James Baldwin and Toni Morrison), I am going to need all of my intellectual and creative abilities focused on it.

In my absence, I would like to recommend that you support the following dynamic blogs:

Womanist Musings
Angry Black Bitch
A Radical Profeminist
Red Clay Scholar
Zaheer Ali
The Anti-Intellect Blog
Living Out Loud with Darian
Racism Review
Rod 2.0
Ill Doctrine
Shadow and Act
Maybe It's Just Me
I'll Keep You Posted

I will return to Son of Baldwin once the novel is completed.  Feel free to visit the Son of Baldwin Facebook page or the Son of Baldwin Twitter page to continue conversations and discuss the news and events that affect our community.

And with that, I bid you adieu. I hope to be conversing with you again soon.  Until then: Be well and keep fighting against the forces of oppression.

I see you.

- Son of Baldwin