
Damned Coloreds

Just in case you thought that DC Comics has learned its lesson regarding its portrayal of characters of color, think again.

People of color rarely appear in the Superman comic, but when they do...

...they are guaranteed to come off looking like they do here.

But you better be lucky any people of color were portrayed at all.  Most times, DC is in the business of getting rid of those damned coloreds, like they did in the upcoming Teen Titans (perhaps the black Aqualad will show up later on so that DC can at least appear as though it's as progressive as its animated counterparts).  But for now, it's the mighty whitey teens.  The Latina Aquagirl and African American Static are no longer part of the team:

UPDATE: Okay. I have to give credit where it's due. DC's giving Static his own series next year--and it's written by a black woman.  They're killing two birds with one stone. This will be one of two comics published by DC starring a African American character (Azrael, starring a African American whose face is never seen, is rumored to be scheduled for cancellation due to poor sales).  And it's written by an African American writer, Felicia D. Henderson.  I wonder if this is a last minute decision based on the criticism they received about minority representation.

In any event, I don't think DC's base of mostly white, mostly middle-aged nerdy, fat and balding guys are going to be too happy about those damn coloreds invading the comic book shelves.

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