
Hypocrites Always Want to Play Innocent XXVI

You really have to watch out for those Geminis.

There are few people on the planet able to reach the heights of hypocrisy that Newt Gingrich (born June 17; a Gemini) has achieved.

Here's a guy who's always proselytizing about the "sanctity of marriage," dangers of gay marriage and other idiotic conservative points of view, and yet privately, he's broken every tenet he publicly champions. Cognitive dissonance like a motherfucker.

His excuse?

"It doesn't matter what I do," he answered. "People need to hear what I have to say. There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live."

Essentially, do as I say, not as I do.  Isn't that what we say to children when we can't justify our actions in light of our words? Why would Gingrich be such a blatant hypocrite? According to his ex-wife, Marianne Gingrich, for the money.

"She thinks he made a choice long ago between doing the right thing and getting rich, and when you make those choices, you foreclose other ones."

In other words, Gingrich doesn't believe a word of the poison he's selling, but as long as you suckers keep buying it, he's going to keep peddling it.  After all, he's not the one who's going to die from ingesting it.

You don't hear me, though.

Read the full Esquire interview with the former Mrs. Gingrich.

The Son of Baldwin Hypocrite of the Century Award goes to....